Monday, March 30, 2009

The KCAs

Last Saturday was the Kid's Choice Awards. I haven't watch a KCA show in a few years, so it was cool to catch it this year with a renewed interest.

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson was a funny host. I prefer him in children's fare than as a wrestler. He's pretty funny, and very self-teasing, in good taste.

I voted for some categories out of obligation, but others more seriously (considering that it is a Kid's Choice Award.)

Voting for best show was hard. I had to choose between "iCarly"and "Hannah Montana." Both great shows, but I ultimately chose "iCarly". As of late, it has been more entertaining. And it doesn't get the same press as "Hannah Montana." So I figured it deserved a KCA. And it won! Good call on my part.

Then their was best female singer. I chose Miley hands down, and she of course won. But when she came out (as part of a joke, where her and Johnson wore the same dress), she was given the award unannounced. She was first surprised, and then started crying. It was adorable, and showed how much she really cares about what she does.

Voting for best female actress was hard. Miley, Miranda, and Selena were all nominated. Most of the time, I chose Miranda. But the last time I voted, I gave it to Selena (in part just cause she is a good actress, and also because it was the only nom she got, unlike Miranda who got one for the show, and Miley who had singer, show, and voice in an animated movie.) And Selena won! She wasn't there, still working on the "Wizards" movie, but there is a video on youtube of her getting the news, and thanking her fans.

Lastly, the best part of the show was when the most unlikely trio came out to present an award. Miranda Cosgrove, John Cena, and Chris Rock came up to the podium. Forgive me as I paraphrase a bit, but their banter went something like this:

John Cena - we are going to be in a remake of "Charlie's Angels."
Miranda Cosgrove - I'll be the smart one
John Cena - I'll be the strong one
Chris Rock - and I'll be the black one.


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